Here we are going to know about basic concept of the job safety analysis ( JSA ) and provides its step-by-step procedure for creating JSA/JHA made simple.
Definitions :
Hazard :-
” Anything that have a potential to harm with current situation can be able to do any type of worst effect on the health.”
” Chance that will be harmed to person health after exposed to hazard. ”
Hazard meaning in Hindi
हिंदी में हज़ार्ड को जोखिम, खतरा, संकट , विपत्ति आदि कहते है। लेकिन साथ में रिस्क को भी जोखिम, खतरा, संकट , विपत्ति कहते हैं। जबकि हज़ार्ड तथा रिस्क दोनों ही बिलकुल अलग चीजे है। यहाँ हम आपको आसान तरीके से आपको हज़ार्ड को समझायेंगे तथा यह और रिस्क अलग कैसे होता है उसे अच्छी तरह से समझायेंगे जिससे आपको कभी भी इसमें समझने में भविष्य में कोई दुविधा नहीं होगी।
(Hazard in Hindi is called risk, danger, crisis, calamity etc. But at the same time, risk is also called risk, danger, crisis, calamity. Whereas both Hazard and Risk are completely different things. Here we will explain you Hazard in an easy way and explain it and how risk is different so that you will never have any problem in future to understand it.)
खतरा एक ऐसी स्थिति या स्रोत है। जिसमें मानव स्वास्थ्य, पर्यावरण या मौजूद संपत्ति को नुकसान हो सकता है। या एक ही बार में सभी को नुकसान पहुंचाने की क्षमता रखते हैं। यह किसी असुरक्षित कार्य, असुरक्षित स्थिति या ऐसी चीजों के कारण हो सकता है जो या तो अभी मौजूद हैं या किसी असुरक्षित कार्य, असुरक्षित स्थिति या स्थिति में बदलाव से किसी भी समय मौजूद हो सकती हैं।
(Hazard is one such condition or source. In which human health, environment or property present can be harmed. Or have the potential to cause harm to all at once. It can be caused by any unsafe act, unsafe condition or things that are either present now or can be present at any time from an unsafe act, unsafe condition or change in situation.)
बहुत से लोग खतरे (Hazard) और जोखिम (Risk) के बीच के अंतर को नहीं समझते हैं या इसे एक ही मानते हैं। यहां हम आपको एक बात स्पष्ट कर देते हैं कि खतरा (Hazard) और जोखिम (Risk) समान नहीं हैं। Risk हमेशा वहां मौजूद hazard का परिणाम होता है। अगर हम किसी Hazard के संपर्क में आते हैं तो हमें नुकसान या चोट का Risk होता है। हम हमेशा हैजर्ड को खोज करके तथा कंट्रोल करके रिस्क को कम या ख़त्म कर सकते है।
(Many people do not understand the difference between hazard and risk or consider it to be the same. Here we make one thing clear to you that Hazard and Risk are not the same. Risk is always a consequence of the hazard that is there. If we come in the contact with any hazard, we are at risk of damages or injury. We can always reduce or eliminate the risk by finding and controlling the hazard.)
किसी भी कार्य को करने से पहले हमे वहाँ उपस्थित हज़ार्ड की पहचान जरूर करनी चाहिए। तथा उसको उचित कण्ट्रोल करने के बाद ही काम को शुरू करना चाहिए। ताकि किसी भी वजह से उस हैज़ार्डस के संपर्क में कोई भी न आसके सके। था हर तरह के रिस्क से हम सुरक्षित रह सके। इसके लिए ही आजकल हर कंपनी के काम स्टार्ट करने से पहले JSA/JHA/HIRA का निर्माण करते है। जहाँ हम ज्यादातर श्रमिक और टास्क तथा इसके अलावा उपयोग होने वाले टूल्स, इक्विपमेंट तथा मौसम के बीच हो सकने वाले सम्बन्ध पर फोकस करते है।
(Before doing any work, we must identify the Hazard present there. And the work should be started only after proper control. So that no one can come in the contact with those hazards due to any reason. We could be safe from all kinds of risks. For this, nowadays every company manufactures JSA / JHA / HIRA before starting the work. Where we mostly focus on the relationship between the labour and the task, as well as the tools, equipment used and the weather.)
What is a Job Safety analysis/ job hazard analysis ?
JSA/JHA is a tools or technics that concentrated on tasks, location & work environment of the define job for identifying the hazards with its control measure for the all identified hazards by elimination or reduction till acceptable risk level prior to start the job.
JSA Format (Download):
Here you will find the JSA/ JHA standard format in the “.xls format” for your reference and working for making your job safety analysis.
Click Here to Download XLS file :
[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”3d” background=”#09da35″ color=”#07071f” size=”10″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” icon=”icon: download” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #170101″ desc=”Click to Download .Xls file” download=”JSA in XLS Format”]Job Safety Analysis Standard Format[/su_button]
Job Safety Analysis flow chart:
- Select job to be perform
- Divide the job into sequential task
- Identify hazards for the each tasks.
- Recommend control to mitigate hazards
- Define Responsibilities
- Communication of JSA to all in Toll box talk/ TBT.
- Periodically review and improve it.
Job safety analysis step by step:
Job Safety Analysis is as follows :
- Select the job
- Breaking the job in to sequential tasks
- Identifying the all possible hazards
- Preventive measures to control the hazards till acceptable risk
- Given communication to others
How basic tasks are stabilized ?
Tasks are the elements of complete job. Job completion needs to complete the all tasks in a sequentially manner. If any task missed out in a sequence its may be create a hazard & also its increase the timeline & quality of the job. therefore if we are creating a JSA we have to need record the tasks in a proper sequential manner.
Job safety analysis example of the sequential tasks mapping for the car tyre replacement job:
How identify the potential Hazards ?
There are the famous tools for identifying the hazards.
- Based on change analysis.
- Based on unwanted energy and barrier.
Change Analysis :-
Change analysis is a technics which can help us to identify the significant of changes that can adverse effect on health of person or environment causing an unexpected incidents. Change analysis is a powerful technics which is a first introduced by C.H. Kepner and B.B. Tregoe in 1965. As a managerial tool is used for solve the production/ operational problems as well as it was equally use in occupational health and safety issues from the 1970. When its adopted its get easier to point the hazards & its consequences and its also help us to minimize the risk by asking systematic questions of each tasks which begin with “What if….?”
Tips which helps in change analysis : –
Words which will be guide you for “What if” questions.
Example, change analysis can be applied to the “changing a car tyre” job. The first task “park the vehicle” insists on the “location” of the vehicle as a main parameter. The vehicle must be parked out side the road before removing any wheel. Now we are applying “What if questions to this task.
Unwanted energy flow and energy barrier approach :-
Controlled energy is essential to perform the work. Uncontrolled energy has the potential to result an accident. controlled flow of electrical energy will equipment’s & lighting. Uncontrolled electrical result an electric shocks. therefore hazards are define as a uncontrolled energy and the contact with person resultant injury & accident.
In the process of the energy barrier look barrier factors for the each task for energy source, way to contact with energy & define the any chance to contact with energy.
Types of Energy source :-
Way to contact with uncontrolled energy:-
For the identifying hazards each task we have to verify the type of energy and way to contact with energy with the support of above both tables.
Identifying potential hazards for car tyre replacement job.
Hazard control methods :-
To control the each hazard till its acceptable risk we have to follow its systematic control procedures these are :-
- Elimination – Physically remove the Hazards
- Substitution -Hazard replace with non-hazardous or with the other option.
- Engineering Control – Isolate the equipment, energies and person from the hazard.
- Administrative Controls – Change the way of working to control the hazard.
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – Protect yourself with use of required PPEs according to the job.
An example of Job safety analysis sheet with activities, hazards, control measures and responsible person (JSA needs to mention responsible person whose responsible for assurance of the job which will be perform as per the define step with control measures safely )
How should I communicate the prepared JSA/JHA before starting the Job ?
JSA is communicate in the toolbox talk meeting.
Also read :- Toolbox Talk Meeting (TBT) || 3Q Meeting
Why follow-up and review of the Job Safety Analysis ?
It is essential to establish a process to follow-up and review process of the job safety analysis for the following :
- Ensure new hazards are not generated / created.
- Mention all feedbacks after performing the job.
- JSA periodically review is required for its continuous improvement.
What are the economic benefits of JSA/ JHA ?
- Reduce direct & indirect cost of the accidents and the maintain reputation of the company.
- Improve the productivity and quality of the job.
- Improve the knowledge with safety and the moral of people.
The effort and time consume for the preparing of a JSA is an investment to control accidents/ Injury and the productivity of the job.
Test you knowledge in Job Safety Analysis by an interesting Quiz!
Also read: Workplace Safety